Hitch-Hikers Packing List


Packing lists come in handy when preparing a travel, especially if the trip is planed spontaneously and you wanna get going asap! Here comes the list, I’ve put together over the past years and used for a couple of inter European hikes.

I like it slim and light, as you wanna be flexible and are most likely bound to carry your backpack almost everywhere you go. So there is no tent, no cooking gear, and little clothing. But the comfort is not missing: We have hot coffee and tea, a good read, and a warm sleeping bag :) And thats important, as it gives you the ease to master and even enjoy long waiting times, wasteland spots with no one around or nights at outcast gas stations, where you have apparently standet.


  • Edding (thick permanent marker) for writing hitch-hiking signs. Cardboard are easy to find from the dumpsters of gas stations

Food and stuff

  • Water
  • Food for the first half day
  • Stick burner, Kettle, Mug
  • Tea, Coffee
  • Aeropress

Comfort and wellness

  • Oropax
  • Phone and charger
  • Head phones
  • Notebook, pen
  • Ebook reader

Hygiene and protection

  • Toilet paper
  • Travel towel
  • Deo
  • Soap
  • Toothbrush, -paste and floss
  • Condoms
  • Medics
  • Sunscreen
  • Sunglasses
  • Lip balm
  • Face cream
  • Hand disinfection

Sleeping and luggage-management

  • Sleeping bag
  • Camping mat
  • Backpack and little foldable backpack
  • Rain cover for backpack
  • Plastic bags

Clothings (most of the outfit I wear already, so little is needed)

  • Underpants
  • Socks
  • 1 Shirt
  • 1 Shorts (if I’m already wearing them, replace this with a pair of pants)
  • Rain jacket

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