
A collection of 105 posts.
Release: A self hosted podcast manager for your personal cloud Featured Image

Release: A self hosted podcast manager for your personal cloud

After several months of development time, I would like to present a preview of my new Podcast app. Soon it will be a fully featured podcast manager which you can integrate into your existing personal Nextcloud instance. In this preview release, the app already includes some neat features: Browse podcast categories and charts, scroll through […]

1 min read
Automated test on NixOS repository with Gitlab CI/CD Featured Image

Automated test on NixOS repository with Gitlab CI/CD

The NUR repository template integrates automated tests done by Travis CI to check code integrity with every GIT commit. Only if the automated build process succeeds, commited package changes are applied to the main NUR repository. For me this was the first introduction to CI/CD (continuous integration / development). In case of the NixOS user […]

5 min read
Auto authenticate to public wifis or test hotspots Featured Image

Auto authenticate to public wifis or test hotspots

This small Python script will automatically login to public hotspots or development networks. It monitors the iwd wireless lan network daemon and performs an authentication process as soon it is connected and a matching connection profile is present. Do not use this in production or against real public access points, since automatically logging in will […]

1 min read
Custom excerpts on the WordPress search page highlighting query keywords Featured Image

Custom excerpts on the WordPress search page highlighting query keywords

In this post I’ll share a custom function for WordPress, which will tweak the text excerpts in the search result page to always show the part of the text which includes the search query. Usually Wordpess will only display the first words of the site or post in the search results page. This short excerpt […]

4 min read
Cups AirPrint server with legacy printer driver support using Qemu Featured Image

Cups AirPrint server with legacy printer driver support using Qemu

In this guide I’m going to explain how to setup a CUPS network printing server on an ARM-Linux which will still be able to use older or discontinued printer drivers, meant for other architectures, using Docker with Qemu platform emulation. Therefore we could use for example 32bit Linux printer drivers emulated inside the container on […]

10 min read